Ibland skickar jag in bilder till tävlingar. De roligaste tycker jag är de där man får feedback på sina bilder. Resultatet har egentligen inte någon betydelse, men för mig är lärandet och utvecklingen viktig. Och tävlingarna, och då framförallt feedback samt att titta på andras tävlingsbilder, har hjälpt mig att utvecklas som fotograf.
Det här är en av mina absoluta favoritbilder.
Feedback från domarna
A peaceful capture with beautiful muted tones and colour palette. Lovely catch lights in the eyes. A couple of small things; the bright highlight in the trees does draw the eye. Take notice of eyes. Some times its better to have only one eye or both rather than have the snout direct the far eye.
Those ears are just full of personality. The soft tones are lovely, paying a little more attention to treatments of the highlights, such those on the subjects snout, will help carry this softness through the entire image.
Den här bilden är en del av ett projekt där jag fotade olika hundsporter till "min" brukshundklubb. Det är absolut ingen typisk tävlingsbild, men i sista stund fick jag lust att skicka in den bara för att se vad den skulle få för kritik.
Feedback från domarna
I will admit, I do not know what sport we're doing or what type of work this dog is doing, and perhaps a side on view with the logo visible on the harness/tabbard would help with context. However, the eyes are super sharp with this moment of movement which is great to see. Seeing a bit more of the work these two (the dog and handler) do together would be ideal for this category, showing the connection between them both. The colour is true and correct to real life, and the colours work well together.
This dog seems to have a very important task. The focused gaze gives the image a certain tension. The choice of a shallow depth of field nicely integrates the background as a decorative element, but does not distract from the dog's gaze. Unfortunately, the sharp blades of grass on the ground do. Experiment with the use of negative space to create a stronger visual impact.
Det här är den första bilden jag kände att jag var så nöjd med att jag vågade skicka in den till en tävling. Jag skickade in den både till SM 2022 och till International Pet Photography Awards 2023. Den fick nästan identiska poäng i båda tävlingarna.
Feedback från domarna International Pet Photography Awards 2023
The use of depth of field in this image is skillfully executed, particularly with the foreground element, which helps frame the subject and create visual interest. The background effectively contrasts with the subject, allowing the subject to stand out and become the focal point of the composition. The lighting is well-handled, providing ample detail throughout the dog's fur and enhancing the overall texture and visual appeal.
The overall feel of this image is calm and content, with the dogs positioning being clearly thought through in relation to the ferns. The photographer has captured the dogs expression and therefore given the viewer the opportunity to feel connected and guided by the dogs gaze. Use of backlighting as created a hair light which separated the dog from the background perfectly.
The leading lines of this image appear to be disconnected when looking at the left and right sides of this image. The right side is flowing and harmonious with the ferns all leading your eye to fall upon the dog, whereas the left side is showing strong vertical lines drawing the eye to the top of the image. Consider using something in the foreground to hide the bottom of the ferns on the left and draw the eye to the dog in the image. This can be a piece of fern held in front of the camera when shooting. Or in post through the use of radial filters, masking and cloning